Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Released into the wild just three months ago, Reeling Back has consumed a lot of hours and given me much pleasure. I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I've enjoyed revisiting the ideas that went into my old reviews, and in the new thoughts involved in the afterwords for each restored posting.
Although I know that numbers are an arbitrary measure, I take a certain amount of pride in reporting that as of yesterday (January 7), the site contains 100 separate items. Visitors are now able to choose among 74 feature film reviews, two book reviews, two music reviews, two interview features, two quizzes, eight items of B.C. film history, one Vancouver memory item and nine previous blog entries.
From mid-December until New Year's Day, I maintained the somewhat breakneck pace of daily postings, offering a major restoration of my contribution to the 1976 Vancouver Book in the process. With the New Year, I've dropped back to posting every other day. One can only handle so much fun, after all.
And yes, I'm paying attention to visitor requests. December 29's posting was for CB. January 11 and January 12 will be for PMW and BJA respectively. Tomorrow (January 9), though, is for my Dad, who was a truck-driving man.